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While Sequential Tart isn’t one of my daily reads I do enjoy reading some of their interviews. So today when checking hit logs I noticed that we had been linked from ST. It was good to see Lea out there spreading the word about the NAN Grant. I even laughed a bit as I read her comment of “GOD, THIS IS SHIT!”. I could almost hear her say it in the back of my head.

I read the whole thing and it pointed out something to me. I’m not a very good Fan Boy. I had to look up “All Start Batman and Robin” on Wikipedia to find out that the book came out in July of 2005. I still stop in the comic shop from time to time and buy a few books but it’s been years since I really cared what DC or Marvel do to their titles. Maybe they can somehow spin that statement into a 22 issue crossover series that restarts the Gigcast universe and comes with a nice foil embossed cover….

Oh yea, just cause you can do a thing doesn’t mean you should. I think that was the words I said when I stopped collecting books.

To get back on track. Lea was great enough to quote Our friend Mike Dean:

ST: Lastly, is there something in particular you would like the NAN Grant’s critics to consider? A parting shot, as it were?

LH: I love the self-examination of cartoonist Mike Dean in the comments section of my recent interview at Gigca: “I’ll have to admit, my first thought was much like grotesque mole-man? why should others be bathed in light as I stew in obscurity, but listening to the podcast really plunged some insight on an otherwise unknown world to me (that being the world of pro comics). While I sympathize with the initial feeling of exclusion, I have to applaud the effort as any attempt to promote egalitarian practices between men and women is a good thing”.

“I think the most exciting part of The NAN Grant is the potential fusion between profession practices and the widely amateur driven styles of web comics.”

That’s some insight we could all learn from, and it takes chutzpah to share like that. Mike also allows he gained insight. It’d be great if more people whose knee-jerk reaction to charges of sexism and inequity in comics is “everything is fine” would ask themselves, “If everything’s so awesome, why are so many people saying it’s not?”

So even though we’re now called “Gigca” it’s cool that you thought to link our little site at all.

Thanks Again

Scott (“GOD, THIS IS SHIT!”)

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