Drawn from sources that are stunned…
- Andrew Farago announced the passing of Rod Gilchrist, Executive Director of the Cartoon Art Museum. Our heartfelt condolences to Gilchrist’s family and friends for their loss.
- Palace in the Sky Webcomic News has an interview with J Gray, creator of Mysteries of the Arcana.
- ComixTalk links to a printable DIY comic on how to make mini comics.
- The New England Webcomics Weekend 2009 reaches capacity.
- Maria Walters asks ‘What’s up with webcomics?’
- Gaming Aisle has some picks for their segment Webcomic of the Week.
- Mashable has their list of the 20 best webcomics.
- The Webcomic Overlook reviews Nedroid’s Picture Diary.
- PR.com has a press release about a 50-year-old video editor named Byron Wilkins who changed careers to become a webcomic artist.
- The Floating Lightbulb posts about some newer webcomics.
- Comix 411 has an interview with Larry Latham.
- God’s Playing Poker moves from Thursday to Friday.
- Coyote Trax’s Webcomic Critique has a review of Boxes o’ FOxes.
- Issue #19 of Creative Characters has an interview with Cyrus Highsmith.
- News-a-rama has the nominees for the LA Times Book Prize which were announced on the 3rd.
Reported by Michael Moss.