JT and Scott talk Webcomics, Christian Ellis Shallow Thoughts
This weeks Guest:
Scott Drummond from Dock Boys and his live streaming 24 hour comic day on Ustream.
Shallow Thoughts from Christiana Ellis
TB-BA Spotlight from Brian Anderson
Night Gig News:
Tables have been ordered for Megacon
TB-BA Spotlight,
from the browser of Brian Anderson.
Visit Dog et Doug Online or follow Brian on Twitter.
Oh and a Zuda plug this week, “Mathema” : http://zudacomics.com/node/756
Oh yah. This one’s getting good: http://edgeknight.comicgenesis.com/d/20040101.html
E-mail News
Send your webcomic news to: Gigcast (at) Nightgig.com
from Mike Whitmer
2. Mike Sieber, creator of Charly and Friends is the newest member of Tall Tale Features. His work can be seen at http://charlyandcompany.com/
That is all. Over and out.
Slpit lip News
Most recently, we posted:
Mujer, by Sami Makkonen (“Harvestmen,” Split Lip) – The murders of women in Juarez, Mexico come to an inexplicable end.
Long Live the King, art by Gary Crutchley (“Straw Men,” Split Lip) – a scientist performs human experiments on coalminers in the 1800s, with unexpectedly horrifying results.
All three stories were written by Sam Costello.
Split Lip currently has 21 free horror comics available at http://www.webcomicsnation.com/splitlip.
Blog Contest
The blog contest is also running:
To enter the drawing, all people need to do is write a blog post about Split Lip and then email a link to sam@samcostello.net. All blog post authors will be entered into a drawing to receive one of three prizes:
Runner Up (two winners)
Choice of Uzumaki, Vol. 1 by Junji Ito, Drifting Classroom Vol. 1 by Kazuo Umezu, or Strange Embrace, by David Hine.
Grand Prize (one winner)
Uzumaki Vol. 1, Drifting Classroom Vol. 1, and Strange Embrace.
Winners will be notified through email in early November.
Thanks for enjoying and supporting Split Lip!
Sam Costello
Super Frat Crossover with Dick Masterson!
“The story was inspired by Dick’s recent visit to Ryesmore University,” says Lambda Sigma Rho biographer, Tony DiGerolamo. “The boys had lost a keg of beer and Dick helped them find it, so we decided to do a detective story. Turns out the keg rolled into a local sorority’s shower. Took forever to get it out.”
Using his chauvinist detective powers, Dick Masterson helps Super Frat when they are framed for a campus prank.
“Young men today need a role model that understands the inferiority of women,” said Masterson. “As that role model, I travel from town to town spreading my vision of a Utopia where men can watch football in peace, the ‘friend zone’ is a thing of the past, and the highest career aspiration any woman can achieve is as a headlining stripper.”
The Super Frat/Dick Masterson Crossover begins in October. Visit Super Frat at www.superfrat.com and visit Dick Masterson at www.menarebetterthanwomen.com.
I’ve been waiting for ages to be able to announce this…
Scholastic/Graphix will be publishing the complete SMILE: A Dental Drama in 2010!
Twitter bits: Follow JT on Twitter and tweet your “Bits” news when he asks just before recording!
ptimony @JTShea I address the Cartoon Network rumors here: http://zudacomics.com/node/925
DavidGallaher @JTShea – I’ve got the HIGH MOON HALLOWEEN ART GIVEAWAY 🙂
Frumph @JTShea Scotty Story from Johnny Saturn finished his 7th book for Johnny Saturn
Frumph @JTShea @jeffzugale Jeff is now updating 3 days a week, rockin. http://www.jeffzugale.com/justabitoff/
haikubirdie @jtshea well kurtz and kellett/ gave a great lecture at scad/ on webcomic stuff
The Gigcast
A Nightgig Studios Production – http://www.nightgig.com
Have News or a Comment? Want to tell JT and Scott they are full of it?
E-mail: gigcast@nightgig.com
One of the Farpoint Media family of shows – www.farpointmedia.net,
Released under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial No-Derivs 2.5 license
Great show, guys!
Left by Luke -- Imagine THIS on October 17th, 2008