Drawn from sources that are hard at work…
- Documentary about Creative Commons business models.
- Jorge Cham of PhD Comics shows us the vicious cycle of staying up late.
- Platinum Studios announces their top 50 for this years Comic Book Challenge. Good luck to you all! And just for the record PS paid DJ Coffman the money they owed him according to his blog. Xerexes has a good post which nicely puts PS’s negotiations with Wowio in perspective.
- Let KC Green teach you how to draw.
- R. Stevens, Meredith Gran, Scott Kurtz, Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar on Googleplex talking about webcomics.
- The Floating Lightbulb has a post about how to promote your T-shirts.
- Robbie Allen, or Pembroke W. Korgi if you’re cool, has started a new webcomic called Femmegasm. Best of luck Pembroke!
Ummm… that’s Femmegasm, not Febbegasm. ^^;
Left by Pembroke on August 1st, 2008