So JT has been asking for weeks for a 3 column layout for The Gigcast. The starts we’re aligned. The moon was pleased and I stumbled on a wordpress theme that I liked and had downloaded previously. I spent a day poking at it with a sharp stick and BANG. Everything seems to look ok and fit inside all the columns now. The player is thanks to Libsyn and has been added here as well as the Gigcastarama page. If you notice anything acting up please say so and I will look at it.
In other news 24 hour comic day is almost here. Will you be joining in?
Also, The Guest Archive and the Drive-by index have been updated. So follow the “Guests and Interview” and “Reviews and Drive-bys” Links on the right or up top.
Looks Awesome guys! Very very awesome!
Left by Enef on October 2nd, 2006