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Drawn from sources who actually like to shop…

  • Today is Monkey Day! Eeee eeeeee!
  • Webcomics will be included as a category in the 2008 Eisner Awards. We’ve come a long way baby!
  • An open letter to the webcomics community from Howard Tayler about the Wikipedia dispute.
  • A post about webcomedy and what is funny.
  • An interview with the creator of the Perry Bible Fellowship, Nicholas Gurewitch.
  • TinTin on stage! 
  • Free on the web equals sales? Apparently so.

No Responses to “Webcomc Wire – 12/14/07”

Interesting about Wikipedia. I think their idea is pretty pointless. The web comic industry is picking up slowly but surely. Soon it will be more and more obvious who is pulling away from the back buy the T-shirts you see on the street.

Really though I think they want a Wizard Magazine of the web. Lots of people want to be that, but so far no one has captured it. I think this is due to the fact that on the web you can be extreamly successful without appealing to anything close to the main stream like the article below that letter mentions. For wizard it is pretty easy, by an large they are comic about super heroes and write, review, and pander to that audiance. How can you make a magazine though that appeals from gamer geeks, fantasy drama, snarky slice of life fans, in your face over the top comedy, college student humor, RPG freaks, to the legions of blushing soft porn comic lovers out there? You just can’t and all of those and more have a good following on the web which isn’t really reflected off line. Cult followings are huge on the web, but does that make one notable?