Drawn from sources that love Monty Python…
- Comics Nexus has some great webcomics in their column Webcomics Wednesday. Check it out!
- Joey Manley talks webcomic promotion. Don’t forget to read the whole series.
- PHD Comics gets a post on Neatorama.com.
- The Beat gives us a good look at Baltimore Comicon.
- The Trades has an interview with Lora Innes, creator of The Dreamer.
- Brendan McGinley of Bankshot Comics announced the launch of their new webcomic ‘Citizen X: The Mission’.
- io9 highlights webcomics-in-print.
- The Floating Lightbulb posts some challenges to Joey Manley’s post about how to make a living with webcomics.
- Viz is accepting for submissions for their original graphic novel.
- Galactic Binder says that Star Wars themed webcomics deliver the goods.
- The Consumerist explains why even bad online reviews can increase sales.
- CBR has an interview with Tom Siddell, creator of Gunnerkrigg Court.
- Robots and Monsters on Neatorama.
- Fraggin’ photo reference for a fee.Scientific paper explains Superman’s powers.
Reported by Michael Moss.