Drawn from sources all over the cold, cold, friggin’ cold universe…
- Sarah Jaffe posts about the possibility of doing a weekly webcomic column on Newsarama. I say go for it!
- Delos reviews Battlegate.
- The New York Times has a piece about comics ‘Feeling the Pain of Print.’
- The SF Examiner has a post from Joystiq, the second part of ‘Readers Pick Best Webcomic: How the King Stole Christmas.’
- The Village Voice has a piece about webcomics that features Achewood, Bodyworld and Templar, Arizona.
- CBR has a chat with Jamaica Dyer, creator of Wierd Fishes.
- This Week in Webcomics has a three part list of his favorite webcomics.
- MadScott pointed out this handy comic tools blog over on Twitter.
- The Floating Lightbulb has an interesting post about the search engine Mooter.
- Webcomics Inc has a flash hangman game where you guess the titles of webcomics.
- FLEEN talks about Sam Jain, and eFront.
- Brigid Alverson reports that TokyoPop is reviving their manga pilot program.
- Creator the Marvelous Patric announces that Freaks N Squeeks returns with all new comics over on ComixTalk.
- Zuda Fan has an interview with creator Spencer Platt.
Reported by Michael Moss.