We interview Brock Heasley about Super Fogies and Th3rd World Studios new site designs, JT and Scott talk Webcomics, Christian Ellis Shallow Thoughts and The TB-BA Spotlight picks of the week.
Brock Heasley
Nicholas Doan
The Night Owls Animated
Untitled Project Productions and the Timony Twins present THE NIGHT OWLS, Episode 1, an animated short based on the popular comic strip published by Zuda Comics! The Night Owls is © Peter Timony and Robert Timony is a Detective Agency set in New York City in the 1920s and specializing in cases that involve the supernatural.
Hi, My name is Brian Wilson From the comic Geist Panik.
I recently found the gigcast through the webcomic beacon. I am currently trying to promote the new strip( I ended my other comic of three years to start it) and was looking to get a kind of professional review. I listen to the gigcast and I really dig it, and I would love to either come on the show or see what you think of the new project!
-Brian Wilson
BetaPwned @JTShea News: In the spirit of talk like a pirate day everyone should check out Sails of Blood at http://www.sailsofblood.com – by..Jason Brezinski, fellow Squidworks member Ozzy Longoria, Michael Nelson, and Marco A. Najera.
haikubirdie @jtshea what can i pimp now? / my love of these bubble baths/ or my bad haiku? also i’m drawing/ comics about gasstations/ for a future book
haikutwaiku @jtshea what can i pimp now? / my love of these bubble baths/ or my bad haiku?
steppek @JTShea I wanna pump technorama at http://www.chuckchat.com/technorama You can mention our Upcoming Hoover Dam tour! Damnit
TBBA Spotlight
Here’s one for this week: http://is.gd/2F96 and he has his own site at croakersgorge.com. more to come…
Another one for this week: http://www.wirepop.com/ . Don’t want to go crazy on manga but this site is worth it.
Lasy one is a bunch by the same creator. Great, great stuff: http://www.fakerockstar.com/comics/
The Gigcast
A Nightgig Studios Production – http://www.nightgig.com
Have News or a Comment? Want to tell JT and Scott they are full of it?
E-mail: gigcast@nightgig.com
One of the Farpoint Media family of shows – www.farpointmedia.net,
Released under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial No-Derivs 2.5 license
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