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Archive for August, 2008

You’ll Have Gigcast II: Year 4 Begins 157

Posted by jtpokie on August 29th, 2008

Interview with Wes Molebash of You’ll Have That! And JT and Scott talk Webcomics,  Christian Ellis Shallow Thoughts


Show 1 of Fourth Year


Wes Molebash: You’ll Have That  New URL
new site designed by Chris William
Project Wonderful

Planet Karen is BACK

O’Deer Closes up shop after 5 years – Books on sale

To celebrate five years, I am selling the O’ deer book at half price! That’s $4.95 (plus S&H) It’s a steal! And if you buy two books, I will throw in an original character sketch! So get your copy today. Get one for yourself or buy it for a friend. This is for a limited time only.

Schlock Mercenary 3000 strips as of 8/28/08

From the website: I’ve never missed a day. There have been no guest weeks, no two-for-Tuesdays to cover a missed-it-Monday, and no stretches where I hurriedly threw together a week of Ennesby and Schlock doing plot exposition because I knew I could get seven days of that penciled, inked and colored inside of four hours.

Webcomic Xylia is running a contest right now for its fans.

BE AN AZLOEAN CONTEST call for entries continues! Submit character ideas and a photo of yourself and readers will vote on who gets to be drawn!  The prize?  The winner gets to appear in the webcomic as a faerie.  All you have to do is submit a photo, aura color, name meaning or letter for name to start with, and type of wings.  A panel of judges will narrow the final results to about ten, and then the readers will get to pick who appears in Xylia.

josh hendrickson

Star Wars: Clone Wars Web comics coming in November.

Grant Gould broke the news last night (at least online) that he, Tom Hodges, Katie Cook, and Jeff Carlisle will be working on a The Clone Wars web comic for to accompany the tv series. Hodges revealed more this morning on the TFN boards:

The quick version is each week, we’ll be given a story leading into that weeks episode. Now it could be a direct tie-in or peripherally connected from a distance because some episodes have story arcs not connected to each and every episode. Keep in mind, the series will not always be about Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme. It will flesh out characters we’ve only seen bits and pieces of.

This will also NOT be “web-strip” format. It will be full color, comic format and each story will be 5 pages in length.


Star Wars: Visions of the Blade – An Online Original Comic  Online Now.

Sugary Serials

Sugary Serials is a comics anthology of all ages, full-color comics created with the sensibilities of the Saturday Morning Cartoon in mind. Get ready for stories with vibrant characters and a good mix of danger and fun.
The anthology updates daily on the web, and each issue’s content is collected in print at month’s end.
We are published by 01 Comics, and our print component is managed by Ka-Blam Digital Printing and their online store and fulfillment house, IndyPlanet.

Twitter Update: Jerzy @JTShea Sugary Serials hits issue 12 next week, celebrating our first anniversary.

Speaking of which… The TB-BA Spotlight includes the sugary Serials member…

TB-BA Spotlight

  • Oh, one more tidbit: the first DeD collection comes out Monday! Available Barnes and Nobles, Borders, and hopefully a lot of mom and pop stores.

Twitter Bits

Frumph @JTShea Noms being accepted on 1st of sep at,
extralife’s scott johnson interv’d @ & krishna rocks teh wii and   Bloomberg mistakenly publishes Steve Jobs obituary

pinkertonpark @JTShea webcomic news:  I’ve come to the realization that i’m a fat-headed dips$#t.  Over and out.

The Gigcast
A Nightgig Studios Production –
Have News or a Comment?  Want to tell JT and Scott they are full of it?

One of the Farpoint Media family of shows –,
Released under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial No-Derivs 2.5 license

Webcomic Wire – 8/29/08

Posted by DarthMike on August 29th, 2008

Drawn from sources all over the web…

  • Wired covers PAX.
  • Wowioes, not your father’s breakfast cereal. Here’s what T Campbell is saying and Comics Worth Reading as well.  Platinum and Wowio as yet have not responded to my inquiry.
  • Eric Burns posts about criticism on websnark.
  • The Webcomic Overlook has part three of their ‘Joy of Webcomics’ series.
  • Newly minted Scienteer P. Gibson’s comic Nestor the Greek starts today.  Congratulations!
  • Cartoonist Seth has written an essay for The Walrus about the quiet art of cartooning.  Check it out.

Webcomic Wire – 8/27/08

Posted by DarthMike on August 27th, 2008

Drawn from sources all over the series of tubes that are strangely in control of everything…

  • The Webcomic Overlook gives a One Punch Review of Ding!.
  • Apple bans the comic Murderdome from distribution through iTunes, Wowio does something similar.
  • In more Wowio-woes, they might be late on second quarter payments to creators.
  • Wizard Universe has posted the transcript from a roundtable discussion about webcomics.
  • The Scienteers review Jump Leads.
  • Paul Levitz talks about digital comics over at Publishers Weekly.
  • Webcomics Weekly gets a sponsor and Endicia has a postage meter starter kit deal offered to Webcomics Weekly listeners.
  • The Floating Lightbulb has some PW advertising tips and tricks.
  • Another top 5 webcomic list and a top 10 list for geeks.

Webcomic Wire – 8/25/08

Posted by DarthMike on August 25th, 2008

Drawn from sources that are sleeeeepy…

  • Boy on a Stick and Slither are featured in this post over at Boing Boing for an episode they did about surveillance.
  • The Seattle Times has an article about PAX.
  • A blog that I’ve never heard of ‘This Week in Webcomics.’ Happy to finally have found it!
  • Jump Leads and Nightmare World join SoulGeek Webcomics. Congrats!
  • ComicSpace is hiring, a Software Engineer and HTML/CSS Coder, both in NYC.
  • An interview with Danielle Corsetto.
  • An interview with Barry T. Smith, creator of Return to Angst.
  • Brad Guigar is offering his strip, Evil, Inc., to college newspapers for free.
  • The Floating Lightbulb interviews Katya and Louisa, the creators of ‘Best Band in the Universe’ and also talks about how to improve your webcomic.

Troop Returns… Again! Gigcast 156

Posted by jtpokie on August 22nd, 2008

We interview Steve Troop about his new project CryptoZooey! JT and Scott talk Webcomics,  Christian Ellis Shallow Thoughts


More to come..

The Gigcast
A Nightgig Studios Production –
Have News or a Comment?  Want to tell JT and Scott they are full of it?

One of the Farpoint Media family of shows –,
Released under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial No-Derivs 2.5 license

Webcomic Wire – 8/22/08

Posted by DarthMike on August 22nd, 2008

Drawn from sources all over the world wide web…

  • ACT-I-VATE has a write up in the Los Angeles Times.
  • Koltreg has some mini reviews posted in his blog.
  • Another forum thread asking for your favorite webcomics on Whitechapel.
  • BOOM! Studios has a review of the webcomic Zombie Tales.
  • The Webcomic Overlook has a post about the Webcomics Weekly and their various opinions of critics.
  • The Webcomic Overlook reviews Erfworld.

Webcomic Wire – 8/19/08

Posted by DarthMike on August 19th, 2008

Drawn from sources taking a break from watching the olympics…

  • Wired blogger geekdad had a post called ’10 Great Webcomics You Should Not Share With Your Kids.’
  • PAX is coming to Seattle late in August if you haven’t already made plans.
  • ‘A People’s History of the United States’ by Howard Zinn has now been made into a graphic novel called ‘A People’s History of the American Empire.’
  • Publishers Weekly takes a look at the future of publishing comics and the variety of methods for digital delivery.
  • The Escapist asks you the reader what webcomics you like.
  • has a list of 5 webcomics they think you should read. At least it isn’t the same old list.
  • A collective from Mexico has started up called ‘!Ka-Boom! Estudio.’ Best of luck!
  • ComixTalk has an interesting interview with the creators of Pear Pear.
  • Aaron Diaz, of Dresden Codak fame, is recovering from a terrible bicycle wreck. Get better soon!
  • Zhi talks about Raising Hell.
  • The Webcomic Overlook has something to say about Scott Kurts’ posts regarding webcomic review sites.
  • A review of the new Buzz Comics and critique of voting sites in general.
  • C. Bastet MacKinnon joins the Scienteers. Congratulations!

The Colonel Sets Us Straight: Gigcast 155

Posted by jtpokie on August 14th, 2008

Interview with Quentin Frost of The Colonel and Company, JT and Scott talk Webcomics,  Christian Ellis Shallow Thoughts


Vamperella Contest ay Project Rooftop

Comic Chat Cast

Comic book challenge final 10

Drunk Duck Awards Finalists
44 Categories

A very funny comic

Twitter Finds:
Maya Lindell
“Of snakes and Apples” and “Stupidity of the Right Ear”

theblogComics @JTShea News: “Oy” at declared best webcomic on the Internet by unnamed source. lol

From “TB-BA”  “That Bastard – Brian Anderson”

Brian Recomends “MadScott”
The Guest strip Project
and Dog eat Doug on Squidoo

The Gigcast
A Nightgig Studios Production –
Have News or a Comment?  Want to tell JT and Scott they are full of it?

One of the Farpoint Media family of shows –,
Released under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial No-Derivs 2.5 license

This is what not being prepared gets ya…

Posted by jtpokie on August 13th, 2008

Apparently The Colonel and Company is NOT about a chicken and a talking dog.  Who knew?  (Click to embiggen)

Sorry Quentin!  Live and learn huh?

He blogs about it here.


Webcomic Wire – 8/11/08

Posted by DarthMike on August 11th, 2008

…Aaaand back from vacation 🙂

  • Comic Book Legal Defense Fund benefit with Cory Doctorow and DJ Spooky in NYC on August 21st.
  • A post entitled ‘Webcomics: The New Frontier.”
  • ROK Comics is having a competition to win a Nokia 9500.
  • CBR has a piece about Gunnerkrigg Court.
  • talks about webcomics In a Handful of Minutes.
  • MT Interview: Stephen Geigen-Miller and Patrick Heinicke.
  • Xerexes talks with the founder of BuzzComix about the reboot.
  • An interview with Tom Braselton, creator of Theater Hopper which is celebrating its sixth year. Congratulations Tom!
  • How to Make Webcomics review by CBR and a response by Scott Kurtz.
  • The Floating Lightbulb has an interesting post about the myth of webcomic readership being on the decline and another one about webcomic collectives and their management styles.
  • PAX to come to the East Coast in 2010.