Aurora Piplup by Ailish Shea

Drunk Duck News
Lea Hernandez
Dear All,
Just call me the Cory Doctorow of comics.
Cathedral Child, as I’ve been promising since January, is finally
online. The whole thing, absolutely free to read and share, under a
Creative Commons license. The big ideas being to a) give something
back in thanks for all the help you (and about 1,950 people) gave my
family after our fire last year and b) well, sell books!
I hope you’ll link to CATHEDRAL CHILD at your various websites, blogs,
and news magazines.There’s a swell link image here:
There’s also an article about my twelve-year love affair with
webcomics and web promotion to drive print sales at:
http://divalea.livejournal.com/461353.htmlThanks so much!
Lea Hernandez
Nate Piekos is looking for an artist!
More people looking for artists. This time on KeenSpot.
Panel2Panel is looking for a new Shoegazer to review indie comics and graphic novels. Non paying, but you get to write about comics. E-mail samples to glych@panel2panel.com
Tripod has a great song about the comic shop