Drawn from sources that are sick and tired, but mostly sick…
- Gordon McAlpin needs your help. He’s trying to raise funds so that he can pay for his print fun of the first Multiplex book. While you’re at it, check out Kickstarter as a way to raise funds to pay for your own project.
- News-a-rama interviews Emma Caulfield about Contropussy.
- The blog Shiny Shiny has a post about Bitstrips, a DIY webcomic site.
- CBR has an interview with Ron Perazza of DC Comics fame.
- Micropayments making a come back?
- A recording of 24 Hour Comic Day with KC Green, Scott Kurtz and Kris Straub.
- The Floating Lightbulb posts about raising the prominence of archive pages.
- Techdirt asks if Doonsbury has anything to learn from XKCD.
- At Digital CIty comic book artist Joel Watson shares how he makes a living with HijiNKS Ensue.
Reported by Michael Moss.