I know money is tight all over but I wanted to pass this on. It’s a message from Kit White who has been a long time member of Nightgig.com

my friend, alice, has always been an inspiration to me. heck, she still is.
i enjoy hanging out with someone so creative! she’s taught me tons of cool things and we’ve had plenty of fun just sitting around working in altered books or other artistic projects as we visit. she has a great eye for art and an excellent sense of design.
she’s as big a geek as i am, too. her fandom is the marvel comic book, Daredevil.
you should see her daredevil quilts! can’t find any current links to them, but they are sooo beautiful!
no, these aren’t your grandmother’s type quilt. they’re gorgeous examples of thread paintings and fabric collage with hand beaded fringe on some of the pieces.
it’s even approved by the joe quesada, the current editor-in-chief over at marvel and david mack, both of whom have seen her work. mack even signed several of the pieces featuring his art.
last year, alice began getting active in a regional chapter for the Foundation for Fighting Blindness (www.blindness.org).
you see, alice has been diagnosed with early onset macular degeneration. that’s right, the most creative person i know, with one of the best eyes for visual art i’ve seen, will lose her sight.
this is a devasting thing, but here’s another reason alice is an inspiration to me. she’s still going and not letting it stop her.
she has started a new business making braille tshirts (www.brailletshirts.com). no, it’s not screenprinted where only the sighted can see it, but she uses metallic studs or swarovski crystals to make actual text that the blind can read!
she can do custom phrases, too.
i have a few of these shirts and they are truly nifty.
she is also planning on going back to school to learn to become a braille transcriber.
truly amazing, isn’t she?
the primary event for a FFB chapter is a VisionWalk, to raise money for research for denegerative eye diseases such as Macular Degeneration, Stargart Disease, Usher Syndrome, Rentintis Pigmentosa, etc., and find cures. This weekend is Memphis’ first VisionWalk and alice has a team. If you can be in Memphis, please come join the team!
Can’t be in memphis? You can donate to the cause. Don’t have much? hey, they’ll accept $5 donations! I believe alice is making tshirts (the design is one her VisionWalk page and giving them to those who make a donation of $25 or higher…
i have volunteered to do face painting at the event, but i plan on walking, too, if time permits.
Please support Alice and the FFB!
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