Yea we’re late. If we get it out it’s going to be later tonight or tomorrow. It’s amazing how everything piles up on you. What we do have this week is a interview with Shannon and Jack of www.sonicsociety.org. Look for it!
someone linked us on blogger and we had a ton of hits, but their stats only ever show it as being from blogger…
anyone know who it was?
Ok this is a case where I’m doing the right thing and I’m going to talk about something I just stumbled on while browsing the smackjeeves.com forum.
Gibson Twist is the creator of a few webcomics. Pictures of You, Cheap Shots, and The Whiskey Devils. I’m going to start right out with one of his comics.
I most certainly laughed my ass off thank you very much.
I started writing this to praise the webcomic Pictures of You, which attracted my attention with images of likely my favorite Cure song. Pictures of You is very well written. The self narration moves the story quickly enough to not get dull. There is plenty of soul searching and the main character Peter. You will please forgive me as I have only just started reading it but the short of it is that Pictures of You is like a reflective memory of Peters life in college. Gibson Twist doesn’t take short cuts on the art either. Honestly it’s one of the better Black and White comics I have read. More people need to be talking about Gibson’s work.
I’ll cut this off here. Check out Gibson Twist’s work. you will honestly love it.
If you are subscribed to The Gigcast feed, you may have notices a PDF file in your aggregator this morning. It’s a gift form Scott Sigler and The Gigcast, actually.. it’s a bribe, to get you to help promote, and hopefully buy Ancestor, the new Horror Sci-fi thriller form Scott Sigler, on April 1st(at noon EST), and put this one-time podcast only novel at the top of the charts!
If you are the type who grabs his Gigcast manually you can get the Free PDF HERE
Many of you may have heard the podcast of this novel, and you still can form www.scottsigler.net and PodioBooks.com.
Here is an excerpt from Scotts’ e-mail to The Gigcast…
I’m trying to put myself and Podcasting on the map by making my print novel ANCESTOR hit #1 on Amazon.com. I think this will be a Big Friggin’ Deal if I pull it off, but it won’t be easy. To help make that happen, I’m giving away the whole thing as a tricked-out PDF. If you’ve heard of Corey Doctorow, that’s where I got the idea. I’m taking it one step further by having podcasters put the PDF link in their RSS feeds, and on their show notes.
Get hundreds of thousands of people to see the PDF. Some will read it and be done, some will toss it, and some will be intrigued enough to buy the dang thing in print.
So, help a fellow to make his NightGig his Day Gig, and Download the PDF and Then on April First at Noon EST.. buy the book Ancestor from Amazon.com. Thats APRIL 1st.. at NOON for it to count towards the new stats and make Ancestor #1!
It’s Monday and I’m having a tough time getting going this morning. I thought I would get my brain going by cruising through my Drunkduck favorites. That brings me to todays Bad Fan. I should have shared this on with you all the day I found it. Tales of the Revenant by Dave Flora. I know very little about Mr. Flora but his single panel pulp-occult comic is SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL! Here is a rundown of what I do know. The story takes place in 1947. The main charectors are Charles Pallentine, a masked vigilante who’s soul was trapped in a ring. That ring was found by young man Eddie Shaw. Eddie agrees to be Pallentine’s host and help track down Pallentine’s killers. Ok, that’s enough to get me interested but here is what I think is the best part. The art is just beautifully detailed.
Go check it out for yourself. Me it’s made it to my DD favorites.
In the past we have played music by jonathan coulton. He showed up this week on another blog I follow called the show with zefrank. They performed 10 minutes of songs all written about the show. I strongly recommend you check it out if your a fan of Jonathan Coultons or even just a fan of wacky songs.
Mike ran off clucking like a chicken shortly after this, but informed us that if we needed to compare Cow & Buffalo to a mainstream comic book out there it would be, “Captain America. Definitely.”
and Then we talk About:
Lunchbox Funnies http://lunchboxfunnies.com/
Lunchbox Funnies is a cooperative collection of some of the best all-ages comics available to read on the internet. Our creators are committed to seeing that their comics are entertaining for young readers as well as the kids in all of us. We don’t believe that “all-ages” means “just for kids!”
New Comixpedia Bloggers (including Black Kitty):
Joey Manly reports that Modern Tales is 5 years old:
Secret Asian Man picked up by United Feature Syndicate
http://www.secretasianman.com Thanks Krishna for the link.
“SECRET ASIAN MAN” COMING TO A PAPER NEAR YOU! Secret Asian Man by Tak Toyoshima has been signed by United Features Syndicate. If you’re a fan of Secret Asian Man and want to see him shake up the comics page of your local daily paper, write them a letter and let them know. Make your voice heard!”
SAM is one of the best kept secrets in quality webcomics – make sure your voice is heard and support Tak’s work!
A FAQ page has been added to the site
(http://www.panel2panel.com/faq.html) where you’ll find a HUGE list of common questions we get and their answers. Questions like “Whatever happened to the original No Stereotypes?” and “Would you be willing to
collaborate on something?” There’s also a question we often get; “How do I get into the comics industry?” which is followed by a very long and thorough list of books that is an excellent jumping off point for
anyone who’s serious about making comics for a living. We feel this list is an important resource for anyone starting out.
2 new columns have joined the site. There was a vote on the forums to pick the new columnist from 2 worthy candidates, Adam Barnett and Jason Brown. Not only was the vote “so” close but their material
covered so different from each other that Glych made the executive decision to have both join. Adam Barnett, blogger for Comics Make No Sense (http://comicsmakenosense.blogspot.com/) will be covering older comics and graphic novels from the main stream with his column “The Procrastinator,” while Jason Brown will be covering independent and small press comics and graphic novels with his column “Shoegazing.” Jason’s been published in many gaming magazines in the UK which, with his addition, officially makes P2P, not only international, but intercontinental.
American Jr Trade Paperback being written by actor Gregory Itzin who plays President Logan in the television series “24.”
A blurb about DJ Coffman published in Wizard Magazine!
Star Cross’d Destiny passed its 75th page and has a Juno figurine out for pre-order!
Interview with Ronson!
Featured comics are now 3 times a week at DrunkDuck!
DrunkDuck Draw off! Pit your art against another artist’s!
Buy Floyd and Mike stuff between now and March 16th and 50% of it will go towards Comic Relief! More info here: