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Archive for June, 2006

The Gigcast Goes Old School #44

Posted by jtpokie on June 28th, 2006


The gangs all here! JT, Karl, Jo, Scott, Chuck and Dave. With the music of Jonathan Coultan and Geek Chat X-Men 3 review!

Some things of Note:

Show notes Here


Posted by jtpokie on June 27th, 2006

 Hi, this is very cool for our female cartoonists…

found here: 



In order to foster women publishing independently, with economy, and as owners of what they create, I will award FOUR grants annually, of a year’s free hosting at, to women making a regularly-updating new or existing webcomic of any genre or style.
The recipients will have unlimited data storage and bandwidth, the ability to choose to support their work with ads, and a storefront for selling merchandise.

The name of the grant is “Nan”, after the “digital person” Nan 11 from Rumble Girls: Silky Warrior Tansie. In RG, Nan agitates, comments on, and works behind the scenes to help the heroine, Raven, come to the understanding that being her own girl is the key to her strength.

I believe the Web already has what women wanting to make comics need, and that it has and continues to transform American comics from a work-for-hire Boy’s Club to a stage for everyone to perform on and be seen. The Web is living up to its promise, and comics can, too.


Gigcast Drive-by #8: Cow and Buffalo

Posted by jtpokie on June 26th, 2006

bK anr Mr.spook drive by immage

Black Kitty and Mr.Spook review Cow and Buffalo

Here There be Gigcast #43

Posted by jtpokie on June 22nd, 2006


Argh, Set sail for adventure with the creator/writer of Here There be Robots , Jonah Gregorey. Also, webcomic news with reports from Black Kitty and Robin, and Music from Jim’s Big Ego with introduction by Chuck Rowles.

Drunk Duck News

The web Cartoonist Choice Awards

Talisman: Return of the Exile
Gunnerkrig Court:

DrunkDuck Awards discussion

Myxomatosis’ The B-Side: A Music Comic

Murphy’s free for all fight comic community jam

The Quack
Batman Collaboration comic

DrunkDuck review: Unfair is Unfair

DDRSENSEI looking for artists/designers/colorists/etc

NBC’s The Comic Book Challenge

Comic Genesis News Cortland is droping out of the Daily Grind Ironman Challenge and going on hiatus until Labor Day, which is September 4. After this it will likely contine on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule.

http://grimtidings.comicgen.comMany Tidings Grim reached 100 strips on June 15, so congrats to Corgan for hanging in there! KeenSwim has begun again! Behold our excuse to draw scantily clad characters in all its glory!

A very special contrats to the CGers nominated for the Cartoonist’s Choice Awards! These include-
834n of Parallel Dementia
M2 of junkRiot
Abby of The Green Avenger
Xmung of Magellen

Also, congrats to Pimpette on graduating!

Webcomic Hotness!

Posted by jtpokie on June 22nd, 2006

 Found this, thought it needed to be Promoted.  Very cool!



Webcomic hotness


We are a social community of Web Comic artists and writers sharing a space at the Baltimore ComicCon. We are also a convenient way to find some of your favorite webcomic creators all in one place.

Come on by. Feel the hotness.



Posted by jtpokie on June 20th, 2006

Hi, there.  Just wanted to let you know about an interesting thing we at Platinum have cooked up over here with the good folks at NBC 7-39 in San Diego at the same time the San Diego Comicon is going on.  The details are all in the release below and I’ve also included a link to a 30-second commercial NBC is airing and some youtube code where you can post it yourself if you’d like.  If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me.  I also want to point out, since you have an interest in webcomics, that we have very deliberately excluded anything that has appeared in print but NOT anything that has appeared on the web.  We love webcomics and want to support them as much as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Dan Forcey

Marketing and Communications Manager

Platinum Studios, LLC.

Link to Commercial:

Full Press relese Here

Life the Universe and The Gigcast #42

Posted by jtpokie on June 14th, 2006

I lied… new fixed fully functional Gigcast has been uploaded.


(Seems there was a problem with uploading the file and 1/2 the song, the report about the Toronto ComicGen meet-up and the ending was cut out. Instead of re uploading and messing with the feed, I’ll put out the Comic Gen report in the next Drive-by.

Thanks for understanding,


Um Yeah.. it is apparent from this mess of a show that Scott and I don’t have the answer, but who cares. Webcomic news, Hitchhikers Guide talk, we sort of discuss the WCC Award nominees (more next show) and a report about the ComicGen meet up at the upcoming Toronto Comic Convention.


Angry D Monkey: Drive-by #7

Posted by jtpokie on June 12th, 2006

Driviby logo -sm

A Drive By review of Angry.D Monkey by Keon Jones. Review by James Rossi of Spriteville USA.

Quack-Cast Gigcast #41

Posted by jtpokie on June 8th, 2006

Webcomic news, Music from Cory Chase’s Band from the 90 with the ever-changing name, and an interview with the editor of the Drunk Duck e-zine The Quack, and fantasy writer, Laura Taylor.


Drive-by #6: Talismen

Posted by jtpokie on June 5th, 2006

bK anr Mr.spook drive by immage

Black Kitty and Mr.Spook review Talismen: Return of the Exile.
